Complying with Trading Partner Requirements
Trading partners that require you to be EDI-compliant will identify the transaction documents they require, and any rules that you need to follow.
There are many different transaction sets and not all trading partners request the same documents.
xocbox guides you through the EDI process, and provides you with the transaction documents needed to start trading electronically with a new trading partner.
We will enable you to send or receive any of the transaction documents defined by the ANSI or EDI standard.
Below is a list of some of the more common transactions that are supported.
810 Invoice
850 Purchase Order
832 Product Catalog
856 Advanced Shipping Notice
846 Inventory Inquiry
852 Product Activity Data
855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment
860 Purchase Order Change
870 Order Status
997 Acknowledgement
GS1-128 bar code shipping labels
Support bar code scanned customer information, such as ASN
Contact xocbox to learn more about EDI