Whether your customers are shopping at home, shopping on the go, or in your retail store, xocbox can help you manage your inventory
Managing inventory is an essential part of your business, and as your sales increase, the need for accurate product data becomes more important than ever.
xocbox will help you analyze your existing inventory management procedures, and offer a solution to best meet your future business goals.
Whether you choose our fully compliant EDI method of managing your stock, sales and suppliers, or prefer to use alternate electronic messaging solutions, we can help you keep track of your operations.
xocbox inventory management enables you to
Catalog Inventory
An electronic method of cataloging your products to manage your sales through all channels, whether offline or online.
We will evaluate your current method of cataloging products, and create a digital catalog of all products to be sold online by product description and SKU number. Sales and inventory can then be tracked electronically.
Manage Sales
We will review current systems and applications that you are using in your store, and evaluate the best method to integrate online and offline sales.
Work with Drop Shippers
The SKU catalog system gives you the ability to make use of drop shippers and efficiently track goods from warehouse to customer.
We work with your drop ship vendors to manage and update inventory.
Track Sales
The ability to sell and efficiently track products sold, whether sales are online, via mobile devices, or bricks and mortar stores can be done using the xocbox back-office.
Track Inventory
Have real-time inventory stats available, and show customers whether merchandise is in stock when they shop.
Need Help with Inventory?
Take control of your inventory by staying connected to all the moving parts of your business. Learn how xocbox can help.