Posts on Mar 2021

44% Increase in US Ecommerce Sales in 2020

2020 turned out to be an amazing growth year for retail sales with total sales increasing 6.9% to $4.04 trillion up from $3.78 trillion in 2019 according to the US Department of Commerce figures.

Despite the coronavirus having a negative impact on in-store shopping, online shopping increased and was responsible for the total overall gain in retail sales, the first time that the total gain in retail sales has been due to ecommerce sales alone.

While Amazon remained the number one retailer in North America, other retailers continued with their push into the online sales arena. Amazon accounted for 31.4% of all US retail sales in 2020 and while this is a huge part of total overall sales, their percentage lead was down from 2019 when they accounted for 43.8% of total online sales. However, it was still other large stores that made more headway in online retail sales. Those that made gains included Walmart, Best Buy and Target.

So it comes as no surprise that the majority of retailers whether large or small are looking to increase their spending on technology and technology related products during 2021.

Whether they are looking to move to a different ecommerce platform, improve website functionality or automate processes, there is no question that the pandemic has caused a major shift in the way online shopping is viewed by both retailers and more importantly, consumers. No longer an afterthought but a major consideration for any serious retailer, online sales are now viewed as an integral part of any retail business.

girl talking online shopping
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Sales Tax Headaches Solved with xocbox and Taxjar

2020 saw an increase in the number of retailers expanding their online sales channels and the trend is set to continue and in 2021. If your business is starting or expanding its online sales channels then one of the things you are sure to encounter is sales tax.

Collecting and reporting sales tax revenue has also become more complex, as the rules have changed for many states which now require tax to be collected if you reach a certain level of sales, or have “nexus” in that state. The confusing part is that not all states have the same rules, so making sure you are in compliance with each set of rules can get tricky very quickly.

This is where xocbox takes the pain out of your monthly sales tax filing and reporting. Xocbox now integrates with Taxjar to provide automated sales tax calculations, reporting and filing.

We use Taxjar’s API to ensure that filings are automatically submitted to the states where you are registered so you never miss a filing date, the correct tax rate is charged at checkout, and you can establish whether you have nexus in all states or just one or two.

If you have been wondering how to cope with all the new laws and changes surrounding sales tax, contact us today to see how we can help.

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