Most retailers know that being able to offer their products online is an essential part of their marketing strategy, rather than an option.
However, a recent report by comScore revealed that 173 million people in the US now own a smart phone, and are using this device to check emails and text messages all day long.
They are also using it to shop.
As retailers, whether we like it or not, omnichannel retailing is here to stay, and marketing-savvy retailers have been making sure their websites are mobile-optimized, and ready to offer features and services to customers during the holiday season, so they don’t miss out to the shopping giants and big-box stores.
So what can you do to get your store up to speed? Omnichannel retailing really means that all the places where your customers can buy … physical store, online via desktop, smartphone, ipad or tablet … work together seamlessly for your customers.
Put yourself in the position of your customer and try to buy something from your own store through all the channels that you offer. How was the experience? Did you get smoothly to checkout? Were there frustrating delays or screens that didn’t display correctly, or not at all? Once you have pinpointed the sticking points, get your tech team and staff to iron out the issues.
You have probably already figured out your holiday marketing campaign, but research is showing that email is still a favorite by many retailers. In the study mentioned above, it was found that 42 percent of emails sent were opened on smartphones, and an additional 17 percent opened on tablet devices. So definitely make sure your site is mobile optimized.
Follow the lead of large bricks and mortar stores, such as Staples, who are aggressively using email campaigns to drive customers into their stores, and tempting them with a series of coupons and special offers.
Keeping in close contact with your customers through all devices will be key this holiday season, and those who don’t will lose out on precious holiday sales to retailers who have planned their omni-channel strategy to create an excellent customer experience at all of their store touchpoints.
If you would like information on omichannel retailing for your online or bricks and mortar store, contact