Etsy and Woocommerce Integration with xocbox
Woocommerce stores can now sell their products on Etsy using the xocbox product manager and integration tools.
Etsy offers Woocommerce stores that sell unique and/or handcrafted products another channel without any additional work when using xocbox.
Once your product information is in xocbox, you can push it to both Woocommerce and Etsy, and if you want to make your product descriptions unique for each store, additional form fields allow you to do this before publishing.
If you currently sell on Etsy and would like to open a Woocommerce store using your Etsy listings to get you started, no problem!
Once your Etsy products are in the xocbox product manager, any new products added can be pushed to one or both stores, as you move forward.
Selling more products just got a whole lot easier with xocbox!