Pre-Orders for Woocommerce Stores
If you sell a product that is something your customers anticipate and can’t wait to purchase as soon as it hits the stores, then offering the ability to pre-order is a great way to attract new customers and entice existing customers back to your store.
The xocbox pre-order module was designed with your Woocommerce store in mind. Unlike some of the pre-order plugins that are available, the xocbox module has the advantage of allowing customers to shop in the normal way and add items to their shopping cart, and also add pre-order items to the same cart.
When it’s time to checkout the whole amount of the cart is authorized, but only the available items are charged to the customer, and shipped.
When the pre-order items arrive in your store, funds are collected from those who have pre-ordered, and the items are shipped to them together with their tracking information.
This year we worked with a publisher who added the pre-order module to their book store, and it has been a great hit with their customers. They offer titles as ebooks, print books, or a combination of print and ebook.
As new titles are prepared for sale, they can keep in touch with customers and update them on pre-order dates and publication dates for both ebooks and print books, and their customers are then the first to receive new titles they are interested in.
xocbox worked with the publisher to create custom product pages and messages on their website, and also create custom email messages for each stage of the pre-order process.
Pre-orders are a great addition to any store that sells new and seasonal products where the store owner can predict the product arrival date in their store.
Books, games, electronics and fashion items are perfect products for pre-order, and enable you to keep in touch with past customers to let them know of new products they may like, and be the first to receive.
If you would like to learn more about the xocbox pre-order module, call 858-752-3803, or read more here.